Getting Involved

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If you have a plethora of books that you have already read and are willing to part with, we can help! Parting with one’s books is not easy, however thinking of the pleasure and opportunity you will be giving others, will definitely provide motivation to do so. English books are preferred.

Contact us via email to arrange for book pick up. We will add your generous contribution to our next shipment to St. Nicholas Preparatory School, Tema. We are currently only collecting books in two locations: Athens, Greece and London, UK. If you would like to donate books but are located elsewhere, please contact us to discuss options.




Find our donation box at ACS Athens, and drop off your used eyeglasses. They will be collected, measured for prescription and sent to Ghana, where they will be accordingly distributed to children and adults who need them.

A simple kindness can open new worlds to so many people.


Christmas is approaching and this usually means joy, family, warmth.  This year, some less fortunate people around us will not be able to celebrate at the homes, in their countries, or with their families.  Let us offer these people a little joy, by helping them feel the warmth and love of what Christmas is about. 

An Advent Calendar is a holiday tradition, most common in Western Europe and the US.  It is a special calendar used to count down the days until Christmas, starting on December 1st, up to Christmas Eve, December 24th.  Traditionally, these calendars are made of paper or fabric and have a small flap or pocket assigned to each day.  Inside the pocket or flap there is a message or small gift.  The concept of the Advent Calendar is that everyday we receive something small in anticipation of the great joy, -and usually- the many gifts of Christmas. 

This year join us in reversing this concept. Everyday until Christmas lets offer something instead of receive something. 

We will provide each participating family or individual with a holiday-themed cardboard box. Each day, place something inside the box; anything that you think might bring joy and some Christmas spirit to one of the numerous refugee families that have found themselves in Greece. A pair of socks, an old sweater, a book, a toy, a box of diapers or baby formula, any food items, a bar of chocolate, coloring material, a warm blanket… the options are numerous and the box spacious. Be thoughtful and creative. Your generosity and kindness will go a long way.

On December 29th, will collect all “Reverse Advent Calendars” and offer them to refugee installations.

It is such small and simple acts of kindness that enlighten people’s hearts and fill the world with love. _



Come meet us Saturday December 2nd, at the ACS ATHENS Holiday Bazaar (129 Aghias Paraskevis & Kazantzaki Str, Halandri,Athens, Greece) from noon to 6PM   We will be collecting kids books and other fun, educational material (like musical instruments, educational toys etc).  We will also be selling Ghanaian bags and baskets, to raise funds for the St. Nicholas Preparatory School "Library Fund".